Monday, February 27, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Trinity Baptist Amazing Race (Ft. Worth Edition) 2012
Brian and I teach the Young Adults Sunday School Class at our church! We LOVE these people! They have been a blessing to us in ways we cannot express! Each month we plan an activity and this month's activity was the Amazing in the show on CBS! It was GREAT!!! It took about a month's preparation of writing clues, re-writing clues, scouting locations, re-writing clues, a trial run to make sure everything worked out perfectly, re-writing clues again because some of them were leaked. All in all it was a BLAST!!! So much so, that we are doing a Dallas Edition in late September! Here are the clues they used to complete the Amazing Race!
Click on photos to make larger...
This was the 'puzzle' they had to put in order. It was cut into 25 pieces and they were instructed to put the puzzle together in the order which they completed the race. Once correct, they could flip the puzzle over for a map of the location of the finish line! H5!
Map on the back...
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Day I Was Tagged...
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the question the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 12 people and link them to your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!
12 Fun Facts
1. Mine and my husband's birthday are just 1 day apart.
2. I've recently discovered I REALLY LOVE the colors yellow and green.
3. I constantly, CONSTANTLY rearrange my furniture....CONSTANTLY
4. I used to be a BIG dog person but have decided I am NO LONGER.
5. My favorite all-time movie is Counte of Monte Cristo
6. My "secret" shows are Old School and Real Housewives of ____ (all of them)
7. I lived in NC for 3 years but am glad to back in the Great State! :-)
8. Hummus and Pretzels are my FAVORITE snacks
9. My best friend and I use a 'funny' word to describe certain people (not nice, I know)
10. I LOVE LOVE LOVE designing graphic art
11. I used to be able to extend my pointer finger back to the top of my hand and make it touch.
12. I can't get enough of furniture repurposing.
Beth's Questions for Me to answer...
1. What inspired you to start blogging?
my friends Julie and Katie
2. Popcorn or potato chips?
Potato chips!
3. Favorite cookie?
my grandma's peanut butter cookies
4. What kind of shoe best represents your personality?
flats or boots
5. If you had to give up one of your favorite foods, which would be the most difficult to give up?
anything mexican....or italian.....or anything I currently eat
6. What do you do on a rainy day?
open the windows and turn on the attic fan
7. What's your worst habit?
letting laundry pile up slide a little
8. What do you love most about your significant other?
he is a GREAT provider!
9. Favorite sport to watch? to play?
watch: football play: karate/dance
10. What is most trusted news source?
Fox News and my friends and family
11. Most useful thing you've found on Pinterest?
12. What is your dream car?
one WITHOUT a payment! Who cares!!! If it runs and doesn't cost - I LOVE IT
My Tags - I'm breaking the rules:
1. Julie @ Potluck Diaries
2. Katie @ And Alligators Alligate
3. Nikki @ Mommyzone
Questions for You...
1. What is the silliest prank you have ever played on someone?
2. What song best describes you when you first wake up in the morning?
3. What place in the US would you most like to visit and why?
4. Are you on time or always running behind?
4. Are you on time or always running behind?
5. What talent would I be surprised that you have?
6. Who would you want to play you in the movie about your life?
7. Coke, Pepsi or Dr. Pepper?
8. Who has touched your life and who do you admire?
9. How do you want to be remembered?
10. What is your favorite all-time movie?
11. If you were a car, what would you be and why?
12. Why are manhole covers round?
Friday, December 30, 2011
I am LAZY!
I have been SO lazy about updating this blog... but as New Years approaches I am convinced that I will do better in 2012! Or so I will try! Here are some of the projects I have done lately (i.e. Christmas presents, birthday presents, just plain ol' projects)
Disclaimer: These photos were ALL taken with my camera PHONE so the quality and color are WAY off. Note to self - next time, take the time to get camera out!
First, are the two projects Brian gave to his Secret Santa. They were supposed to be $1-$2 each... SO... the snowman is a packet of popcorn made into a snowman by covering it with a plain piece of white paper and then drawing on the features with a sharpie. Add a glove for the hat and a ribbon. Ta-da! Super cute!!!
Disclaimer: These photos were ALL taken with my camera PHONE so the quality and color are WAY off. Note to self - next time, take the time to get camera out!
First, are the two projects Brian gave to his Secret Santa. They were supposed to be $1-$2 each... SO... the snowman is a packet of popcorn made into a snowman by covering it with a plain piece of white paper and then drawing on the features with a sharpie. Add a glove for the hat and a ribbon. Ta-da! Super cute!!!
Next, another Secret Santa gift... Lightbulb reindeer! I used a lightbulb that just burned out. Painted it brown, and added features. Used scrapbook paper for the antlers and add a ribbon! Cute ornament for your tree!
Because our finances were SO tight this Christmas, I decided to make ALL of our Christmas gifts this year. Except for my son, of course. SO... here are some of the gifts that turned out ok and ones that I REMEMBERED to take pictures of.
This one for my best friend is a mix of two family names because they are a blended family. This picture is not the finished project, but you get the idea. It turned out pretty cute.
The cute boy was a creation from God above and I am so blessed for that gift! BUT... the sign is the one we are speaking of here! :-)
This one still needs the holes in the top and a pretty ribbon to hang it from but it may be my favorite right now. Very simple but I LOVE IT!
The next three pictures are the gifts I gave to my brother and his girlfriend. She collects Wizard of Oz things so I thought these would work!
OOPS! Notice the bookmark is inaccurate. The Witch of the East, too, was wicked... SO I took a red sharpie marker and marked through Good and wrote in Wicked and it turned out REALLY cute as if it was supposed to say that! YAY! Go me! The legs were formed with polymer clay and baked and then I painted them with the stocking and shoes. Really fun project!
Bookmark being used and where I got my inspiration!
My cousin and Aunt have a ceramic/pottery/fired arts Studio in Fort Worth called Brushstrokes and they helped me with these gifts. I painted the design and they were so kind to finish them up by glazing (clear coat) and firing them for me! I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!
My son has ALWAYS be a University of Texas fan (Hook 'em!) HOWEVER, due to the brainwashing ;-) of my best friend and family he now is a die hard Alabama Crimson Tide fan... so EVERYTHING is Roll Tide now! EVERYTHING! So when I went to do his plate he, expectantly, wanted Alabama. BUT I added my part at the end. Hook 'em Horns at Heart.
A friend of ours is from LA and loves the New Orleans Saints so I borrowed her daughter and we made her a Saints Who Dat plate for Christmas.
Each year I like to do a plate for my son's birthday. I started this on his 3rd birthday (sad that I don't have 1st and 2nd) but his 3rd birthday was a train birthday... and his 3rd was Superheros.
not glazed or fired yet so it looks very pale. It will be very vibrant once finished.
Anyway, so that is what I have been working on and I have a few more projects in the works as well. I am hoping to update more int he coming year. I pray everyone had a GREAT Christmas and cherish your loved ones, they are only here a short time. I cherish the Christmas I was able to spend with my daughter! Have a safe and happy new year! I pray the Lord's blessings on each of you!
much love and prayers,
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A New Day...
Oh what a day it is going to be! I have to admit, I'm a little excited about today! I have come up with a great plan to expedite my Christmas gifts this year. Three letters...D - I - Y! Do it yourself! I have found some AMAZING items on Pinterest to complete for all my loved ones this year, all costing $10 or LESS! Sure, I will still have to purchase some gifts but what a way to save on money! I went to Lowe's last night to price wood of all things... 2.89 for a LARGE piece of 2x4! I was SUPER excited! Here are a few of the projects some of my 'peeps' will be receiving this year!~ What do you think? Good gifts? I think so!!! I have already made some and am in love (all found on Pinterest). By the way, have I mentioned how much I ADORE pinterest?!?!?! :-)

Monday, October 31, 2011
Trunk or Treat...a Success!
Last night our church had trunk or treat and it went GREAT! Everyone really did great decorating their trunks and cars! My family did a theme of Angry Birds and we had the back of the truck set up as an Angry Birds game with paper boxes spray painted black and stuffed Angry Birds to launch at the homemade Piggies. It was a hit as well! The children LOVED throwing the birds at the pigs and especially my husband whom was dressed as the King Pig! Take a look at some of the pictures from the amazing people that I call my church family!
Me aka Rad Angry Bird and my Son aka Yellow Angry Bird
Angry Bird Family
My husband aka King Piggy
Aladdin & Jasmine
(Craig & Tammy)
Pumpkin Patch
The Cave People
The Medievals
(Katie & Derek)
The 20's Flappers
(Lindsey & Tiffany)
The Flintstones
(Jake & Julie)
The Firefighter & Dalmatian
They had the local Fire department to bring a fire engine to the church... it was so neat!
and... finally... my best friend and I. Whew! What a night!
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